Life & Island Times: Red Death: Chapter Fifteen
Wolf Blitzer’s smug mug then appeared on the TV screens to announce that POTUS would be addressing the country in several hours. Wolf seemed a bit peckish, perhaps anticipating that POTUS was about to utter some more fake news and insult his beloved employee — CNN.
“But before this surprise Oval Office event, now scheduled a bit after 6 PM, let’s go to a brief commercial break.” One more set of ads was a nice touch before the warhead reentry vehicles started their gas-lighting descents over Asia, Europe and the Americas.
“It is unlikely that we’ll go nuclear on the NORKs over a fake strategic submarine. And surely they wouldn’t surprise attack us over this as well. They would only do so in a most subtle fashion.”
S&T Karen had told Marlow before he left to drink himself silly at NIC III. Karen had tried to be his fog horn to no avail. This expert had been right before but that meant squat right then, since Marlow was now as lost as a ship in a pea-soup alcohol haze-fog.
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