Postcard From the Swamp
Another interesting week here in The Swamp. Washington versus California in court and legislative action. Open Lawfare.
I don’t know about you, but I have always felt that the 10th Amendment- the one that helpfully reminded the Federals that the powers not specifically allocated to them are reserved to the States and citizens, respectively- was reserved to God, not Congress. Course, I am an agnostic, so that leaves me in an ambiguous position.
Call me old fashioned. What is going on now appears to be plain warfare by legislation. It has been tried before, and caused my family five years direct inconvenience, and then years of reconstruction on both sides of the Ohio River. I guess we will see where this goes, you know?
Did you watch the Oscars? I didn’t. On purpose. It seemed to work.
Gray and damp outside. Another Nor’easter coming in here today- a thousand airline flights preemptively cancelled. I would hate to get stuck in Washington. Oh, wait, that already happened. On the up-side, the kitchen is starting to feel like home again.
I guess you really can’t count on anything any more, wouldn’t you think? I am feeling vulnerability to the Logan Act, passed by Congress in 1799 and never used successfully since. It was intended to criminalize negotiation by unauthorized personnel with foreign governments having “a dispute with the United States.”
I certainly do, but have personally had no talks with the Emirates. We killed a couple hundred Russians in Syria last week- “Mercenaries,” they say. I guess like the ones in Crimea and Ukraine. What on earth. We seem to be going down a path of confrontation I have not seen since Reagan days, and I am skeptical about the path ahead. But hopeful.
Actually, no I am not.This is going to be a wild ride. Betty Davis had it right. Fasten your seatbelt.
Copyright 2018 Vic Socotra