Swamp Postcard: Halloween Horrors


Traditionally, Halloween was a big holiday here in The Swamp when the Willow was in it’s prime. It was a special place with special people, and costumes were de rigeur.

Despite the two wars then in progress back then, there was mirth and merriness and costumes around the majestic bar. Dare I say there was a certain innocence? Hell, I will say it anyway. There doesn’t seem to be much of that around these days. Maybe we can go back to some sort of national comity after the mid-term elections.

I don’t know how one could do that, considering the sort of rhetoric that has already been hurled around. Add in our assorted nut-cases, mad bombers and mass murderers, I am not sure how we can.

Still, it is going to be a nice day. There is a week to go to see what sort of creative lunacy we will come up with this to top the events of the last month, but I am confident we shall. We Swamp-dwellers are implacable in that regard.

From a point of convenience, for the next week you will not have to wonder about what The Swamp is up to. The election is coming to you. Vote.

There are not many kids in Big Pink- we are sort of the last stop before assisted living. But I am going to keep the porchlights off tonight, just in case. Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here.

– Vic


Copyright 22018 Vic Socotra

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