Swamp Postcard: UXB

So, what is the October Surprise? the Caravan behind the one in progress? The unexploded bombs in the mailboxes of prominent progressives?

The Reichstag fire scenario is possible, since none of the devices went off, and only a novice would not understand what mail screening has happened since 9/11 and the anthrax attacks. I can’t tell which side is more intent on burning down the Republic. The good news is that there is only one more Swamp Postcard before we know if any of this worked out as the originators intended, with assaults in mailboxes and restaurants.

I voted, absentee, on Monday. I was disappointed at my choices on the ballot. One Senator to vote against, and a local congressman to tepidly vote for. With all the issues we have had our noses rubbed in, I was disappointed by the number of choices. Oh well. I guess we will see. Could be a UXB, you know?

Having a wonderful time at the farm. Wish you were here!



Copyright 2018 Vic Socotra

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