Life & Island Times: The motorcycle as it should be ridden

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Motorcycle as skateboard

Riders ramble the roads they’d like to ride, but more than anything they cherish the ones that haven’t been ridden yet.
Whether they are motivated by the inspiring efforts of other enthusiasts I do not know.

When a biker’s face says “Damn, this is good,” his ridership becomes a pure translation of muscular technique into something that flows as easily as a conversation, and looks effortless. It becomes an illustration of the jazz musician dictum, “Take what’s hard and make it a habit; make the habit easy; and then make what is easy beautiful”

Is great riding a channeling of something, or being in tune with some primal energy from the universe, and if thus experienced, are bikers on the road a conduit of some force that most of us don’t understand? The answer here likely isn’t so mystical or magical. When a rider is at the top of his game, he knows his bike so well, has studied and practiced his technique so well, understands the structure of the bike so well . . . that he is completely relaxed and calm when riding . . . and free to go anywhere that he may choose to go at any time he wants to go there.

Copyright © 2018 From My Isle Seat

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