Life & Island Times: Highwayman

No, this is not about the Detroit 1%er motorcycle club.

– Marlow

I motorcycled the highways
Along coastal roads I did ride
Leather and jeans protected my back side
Many a mile was covered as I pursued this trade
Many the moments did I speed through glen and glade
Some gravel hung me out to dry in oh five
And lucky I was to survive

I was a sailor
I floated out with the tide
And upon the sea I did abide
I sailed carriers through Malacca to the great IO
The Hawk did shudder with a cat 5 tempest and blow
Catwalks bent, then broke off, but no sailors got killed
Made it back to Pearl, lucky to be living still

I was a dumb bastard
Who crossed raging rivers deep and wide
Where steel meeting waters I shouldn’t have survived
There were cold, wet and killer storms whose winds did blow
Never did I slide and fall onto slick pavement just below
Lucky I am to be still around
I kept riding around and around and around and around and around

I was a two wheeled starship pilot flying
Across mountainous divides
And when I reached the other sides
There were places that refreshed the spirit of man
That was when I became a highwayman
No amount of snow, sleet or rain
Could stop me
From going back again, and again and again and again and again

Copyright © 2019 From My Isle Seat

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