Swamp Postcard: Putting the Fun in Dysfunctional!

Putting the Fun in Dysfunctional!

I am pinned down at the farm by the Polar Vortex and icy roads. The Piedmont of Virginia is never quite ready for these things, and we have it far better than Chicago or Detroit where there are weather emergencies in progress and temperatures dozens of degrees below zero (F).

I have a had a welcome respite down here since before Christmas, and Edgar and Edwina, the resident vultures, say “Hi!” Actually, they can’t speak, which adds to the fun when they swoop on you.

I am almost ready to engage in the madness that will continue through the election next year. It will be entertaining, sans doubt, but the vitriol already pouring forth is quite remarkable in my four decades of government service and private contracting.

I have pals who are all onboard with The Green New Deal, and others who are stocking up on dry foods and bottled water. Among other items.

In the more banal realm, imagine my horror when The Maids called to tell me the apartment in Arlington stunk. I thanked them for the information. They called back a few minutes later to say they had identified the problem. The new Fridge died and the food was…well, charitably past prime.

The crushed ice machine still works here at Refuge Farm, so I may just stay here through the Patriots victory in the Super Bowl. Or the bad call that will give it to the Rams.

I look forward to reporting on the next two wild years. There is a lot in play, and a lot of splash-splashing to come from our Swamp Creatures. Having a wonderful time in this Vortex. Fire in the fireplace. Wish you were here!

– Vic

Copyright 2019 Vic Socotra

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