Swamp Postcard: Virginia On My Mind

I am getting bored with trotting out the hyperbole each week- you know, the customary opening of “it can’t get stranger than this.” Then, of course, it does.

We are the momentary epicentre of looniness here in the Old Dominion. Our Governor is under intense scrutiny for inappropriate behaviour thirty or forty years ago, for which he first apologised and then said he didn’t do. The powers that be would have trashed him in a heartbeat, but his Lieutenant Governor is accused of rape, which is a felony, and that would leave the Attorney General next in line to move into the Governor’s mansion in Richmond.

Except, he too may have been inappropriate a long time ago, which now appears to be nearly felonious.

I am sure glad to be out of the public forum these days. The practical consequence is that the next political cheese in line is a Republican, which of course cannot be countenanced. It is almost a relief to have Richmond, rather than DC to be the center of absurdity, but out national mental health crisis continues there as well. Apparently, the answer to everything includes the end of commercial aviation, cow farts and free college education. And we can get it all for the bargain basement price of….

Oh hell. You know this is beyond lunacy. I do have to admit it is entertaining, and I thankfully will probably be in the ground before some of these things are enacted by idiots.

But the continuing Carnaval of the Bizarre and Absurd in more fun than the State Fair. We only have 21 months until the next elections. More madness to come, of course, since the stakes are pretty high. Instead of saying it can’t get crazier next week, I will just predict that it will.

Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here!

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Copyright 2019 Vic Socotra

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