Swamp Postcard: Good Morning Vietnam!

So, I have been reeling with images of Hanoi a long time ago, working on the details of finally clearing up some of the vestiges of war. The president of Vietnam was very kind, but concerned with some boilerplate on the Defense Mapping Service aerial charts of his nation. The caption mentioned something about an active Air Defense Zone, which it hadn’t been for quite a while, and which was used as justification for the insurance companies to chart war rates on commercial air traffic.

that was a simple enough thing to take back to the mandarins in The Swamp, and I can justly say that I helped. Today, the leaders of the US and North Korea may be exploring how to finally close out a war that has lingered as an active conflict since I was two years old.

Maybe it will work. I certainly hope so.

Meanwhile, all the other Swamp nonsense continues. The President’s former personal lawyer is testifying on the Hill, though why he would start telling the truth now is a bit of a mystery. The Mueller probe may be winding down, and they did not want to pollute the news cycle with a conflict over the Hanoi talks.

The Democratic candidate field continues to expand and refine the goals for the next administration. The tab for their plans appears to have soared to $93 Trillion buck.

As Everette Dirksen used to say, modified for the inflationary times, “a trillion here and a trillion there, pretty soon you are talking about real money.”

– Vic


Copyright 2019 Vic Socotra

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