Swamp Postcard: No Holds Barred

I have passed on Sam Cox’s account of his participation in the successful search for sunken ships that have rested under the waves since 1942. It was an interesting moment to hear that the last of the Doolittle Raiders, first to strike Japan after Pearl Harbor and launched from the carrier Hornet, had passed.

I guess that is pretty much over for that titanic struggle, though Faulkner’s observation that the dead past isn’t dead, and in fact isn’t past.

That Richard Cole lived to 103 demonstrates what a rich life he shared, while so many others were cut abruptly short.

Then, of course the circus continued downtown in the heart of the Swamp, with the new Attorney General castigated for his many failings in front of politicians who must represent districts in Mars someplace.

Oh, and the DHS Secretary and Director of the Secret Service got shit-canned. Goodness knows what the triangulation is. The former DHS secretary was resume-rich in cyber security experience, which must have seemed really important when she was nominated, but is not nearly as emotional as video from the border.

The immigration horror show continues. Consider the numbers: we are on track to add millions to the already staggering number of ‘undocumented’ or visa-overstayers over the next decade. This will be fun, or would be if I could afford to build a wall around Refuge Farm.

The world continues on, though we are not paying much attention to it. President Maduro- or the ex-President or whatever he is, is reported to be surrounded by Cuban bodyguards. Bibi Netanyahu was elected to a fifth term to the Prime Ministry, suggesting a robust Israel is what the people want there.

To my knowledge, we did not interfere in this election. But of course I could be wrong. We have tried that before.


Copyright 2019 Vic Socotra

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