Country Living, Part 1076

(A glorious image of the fuscia foliage erupting from the rich red Virginia soil. My stupid satellite internet connection refused to load it.).

The Masters Golf Tournament had to start way early this morning- 0930 tee offs- due to the next wave of storms sweeping inexorably out of the heartland. Tiger was something else.

Tornados killed four down south last night. I want to avoid that, if possible. We are blessed with a lack of severe weather here in Culpeper.

I am going to keep this missive brief in the interest of limited bandwidth down in the country. In golf, I am pulling for Tiger to make his mark on this Augusta historic golf course. I guess we will see.

In politics, I hope everyone gets what they deserve.

Other crap? Yeah, it continues. It is unreal. I won’t address that until the postcard at mid-week. There is a lot to say, both on the professional, political and personal fronts. And not in the good way, so I will refrain.

It might be better to just be quiet and hope it doesn’t come closer to the farm.

I suspect my hopes are in vain, but you never can tell.

– Vic

Copyright 2019 Vic Socotra

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