Binge Watching at Refuge Farm


The critters are going wild with the sound of Spring or maybe it is just a reflection of having the windows open. Big rains last night- remnants of what pounded the Midwest the last day or two. Spring Break is coming on, and I recall the folly of my parents in 1969 letting me take the VW Beetle with three husky companions down I-75 to Lauderdale.

The winters are long in Michigan, and there is a lasting aversion to gin from that trip which lingers to this day. Not so with video.

There was a general scheme to the farm. Have enough dry food for a few months, and video on DVDs, just in case satellite connectivity got knocked out. Given the news cycle, I tend to be in favor of it.

In response to the cascade of strange news, I have dragged out some of the movies and TV series I was too busy to watch at the time- preferring the company of the Willow Refuges. I am most of the way through “White Collar,” an entertaining romp through what now is a thoroughly obsolete view of the role of the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

Years ago, in the midst of some really entertaining social times at Big Pink with the Mardys (1-3) and Margaret, the Most Thoughtful Woman in the Building we used to share it. Joel, the former Mayor of Big Pink, had a big projection video set up in his place on the first floor, and there were several mass viewings of “Sex In The City,” the contents of which I can no longer recall, except one of the lead actresses just ran for the Senate.


But a close friend had an interest in the show, so I bought the video archives in the unlikely event that somehow I could power my DVD if the Co-op goes down.

I will be watching, in sequence, as things unfold. Lacrosse, the Masters and Major League Baseball will compete for priority on the flatscreen. The windows are open. The dreams have been mostly good.

I wish getting old was not so painful, but considering the alternative, I think I will watch golf after another episode of good looking people having much more nuanced and intense intimacy than I ever experienced.

Life must have been great in the 1990s. I wish I had been paying attention.



Copyright 2019 Vic Socotra

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