Messaging in the New World

Deep regrets. Satellite connectivity in the Piedmont is- erratic. Like the other renewables…

I need a new footnote, since I mostly agree with common sense, but everything seems a little…you know. “Off.”

There is a minor controversy over a nominee to be assistant Secretary of HHS, for example. When I was working there, the Deptu got busted for something that sounded like shoplifting at the time. Makes one wonder.

– Vic


Socotra House was wracked by dissension this morning. The only thing worthwhile was some color and shapes. The skies produced contrast- it was chill gray rain from a chill gray sky. The news from The Swamp was inspirational, as always. Anyone who claims that the President’s speech in Texas was unsettling is unpatriotic, and possibly disloyal. The Editorial Staff here was interested in rooting out any wrong-thinking on the minor controversy.

One of the newly-fired compliance staff said the President forgot where he was and what he was doing, and only the alert Dr. Jill ensured the President did not shuffle off from the podium without his mask.

The staff was torn. Being newly hired, it was only logical that thoughts were not aligned completely with the established line. We also agreed that logic had no part in the proceedings, and punishment for deviation should be swiftly administrated in our diverse and welcoming corporate culture. Having no time for quibbling, we fired the guy and unanimously expressed support for the $1.6 Trillion allocated to non-COVID necessities in the COVID Rescue Bill, and appointed a planning committee to address non-COVID requirements that justly aligned with the Kennedy Center Relief measure and all the other stuff we did not have time to read.

Our day done, we tried to remember last year which of the party houses downtown in Culpeper had the specials on lager on our short days on Saturday. We were experiencing one of the local power outages that started coming after they put in the big solar farm south of Mt. Pony. It is not one of the President’s Texas stories, they assure us. It is that the old infrastructure that worked continuously after the Union Army left had suddenly become vulnerable to cloud clover and low temperatures. They tell us the solar stuff will start working again maybe tomorrow.

Our scout in town had news, though, and we could see it prominently displayed from the old Courthouse. We were excited. The colors on the flags were bright and welcoming. We assumed there was good news, but all our phones were dead, and being limited to satellite connectivity that was out, too, and we could not Google up anything to decrypt the meaning of the flags.

We sent up one of the indigents with a pad of paper and crayons to copy it down, and although he fell, we think he got the essence of the message from town. Even if we didn’t understand it, it seemed perfectly clear.

The problem was that we still couldn’t read it- it was just shapes a colors, and you know how troublesome those things are these days. We shrugged and decided to worry about it when the wind power comes back. But in the meantime, the picture the guy drew was appealing, in its own way, and we decided to keep it and see if it makes sense tomorrow. If it works for our government, it should work for us too, you know?

Copyright 2021 Vic Socotra

Written by Vic Socotra

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