Back to Work


Lions and lambs here this morning in Virginia’s gentle rolling country, shouting “Green!” Or something colorful, if only a rising buzzing chorus of life and joy.

Out back, the carpenter and honey-bees frolic around the outbuildings, back to work after the slumber of winter. There is some seasonal tension, of course. We await the awakening of our Brood X Cicadas, whose 17-year slumber ends this merry Spring.

I think of their last work, smacking our foreheads with frantic activity, preparing their nests in the trees above, frantic in their need to mate, and for their spawn to drop from tree-bough to soil, to burrow and sleep for decades in preparation for their time of work, coming in 2038.

We will likely miss that one, and our children will shrug and say they recall long ago conversations about the humming of their vibrant and active and wildly passionate time.

I suppose that is a sign that we should get back to work as well. Maybe we will get to that tomorrow. The Lady in Red claims there could be clouds and little chance for bathing in the bright light of the solar orb.

Oh, there are a couple items to demonstrate we have not been sleeping here at Refuge Farm. The links connect (for a few more days) to a talk with the USS Midway Museum Library, and to an interview our pal Mac Showers gave on the subject of the great battle a few months before he took his last voyage for the big Fleet landing across the Styx River:

Zoom Meeting Recording: Available to download from Google Drive for 08 business days.

YouTube RADM Mac Showers:

– Vic

Copyright 2021 Vic Socotra

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