Weather Report: Into the Maelstrom


Ah, the week of pleasant warming weather has ringed the pastures with soft tones of brilliant pink blossoms. Refreshing color as the gray of the winter is bathed in new growth and glory. There is other stuff going on, of course. Much of our limited attention is invited to the ongoing crisis on the Southern Border. You have seen the video of children being dropped from the fences, boys crying as they approach the overwhelmed immigration people.

Our Vice President was announced as the point person for the- for the, um, “situation” there a couple weeks ago. That was refined to actually “being in charge of the underlying Triangle problems,” wherever that may be, but due to the stress of living out of a suitcase at her ceremonial residence at the Naval Observatory in Washington, she has only had time to visit her actual home in California in the meantime. We are sure the problem is well in hand, though. That is what they say, anyway.

This morning the more distant winds are swirling. Russian jets are buzzing Alaska in a friendly gesture. Our friends in China have ambitions to incorporate the large island of Taiwan into the larger new China, along with the waters that surround it. The South China Sea is part of that, as are some island chains ruled by Japan for more than a century, briefly occupied by Americans, but we are sure that will all work out under the principles of “Equity.”

There is an American aircraft carrier in the vicinity now, and a bold destroyer was dispatched to conduct a peaceful transit of the Taiwan Strait. The Editorial Board expressed concern that an inadvertent incident could occur, but since morning Bloody Marys have been banished from the meeting, we are confident things will be fine.

We are apparently also engaged in some odd discussions with our old pals the Iranians. That apparently is irritating to the people who currently occupy the small portion of land around the holy city of Jerusalem, who swear they will smite a nuclear armed Shia theological state.

The editorial table was then de facto divided in four factions of alarm, some about the future of America, others about the future of China, an older group who prefer negotiating with Sunnis than Shias, and one member who still has connections to the Ukrainian energy company we are not supposed to talk about any longer. We agreed that any lurch in situation will be handled by the various partisan groups within the Board as they emerge to ensure equity in presentation of imaginary facts. We refused, as a group, to discuss the distinct change in the appearance of the President’s ear lobes, though records of the matter may be retained in that elusive laptop that the interns lost.

Which naturally led to related issues. Should we should stop flying United, or wait until their cockpits are more representative of the passengers in Coach? So many issues, all so vital. That led to a discussion about lunch, and what that the contents of that meal actually represents in the maelstrom of symbolic adherence to appropriated culinary values.

It was a great meeting, but thankfully did not last long. There appeared to be support to a more tail-gate friendly venue near the loading dock at the barn.

In the spirit of these exciting times, we will hold firmly to our values. Until we are told we have new ones.

Copyright 2021 Vic Socotra

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