Brood X in the Car


We have been talking about them for a couple decades. They came the last time a little short of two decades ago. They were a trip- big bugs long as most of finger. Cool looking, efficient wings and a loud voice. Up North in Arlington and the DC sprawl west they were staggering in number. Those particular ones were labeled “Brood X,” and they had a rhythm of remarkable perorations. For a couple weeks of frantic activity, this one slept in the ground.

The Experts told us their seventeen year cycle was up last year. We were watching for them, but the other astonishing events of 2020 were unfolding, and their absence generated a reaction of much of that year. A shrug.

Anyway, the Experts were back this year, telling us it was all according to their expertise, and to stand by. There has been nothing noted here at Refuge Farm, but reports from Up North indicate they are present and both audible and visual spectrums. We naturally hope for more.

Actually, just hoping for something. The last thirteen months of partial house arrest has wrought social effects, the like of which we have not seen. Crime is up markedly in many cities. Kids are reported to be afflicted with distress and depression. Devices keep us together, even as reliance on them drives us apart. Will it be passing once things get back to normal? The confluence of social interaction may have changed. There is an unwillingness to get too close. Movie theaters may be finished. Churches are impacted even as they are under a strange spiritual and ideological attack.

We talked about this at the Board meeting. The matter of keeping the lights on was part of it, after the Colonial Pipeline shut-down. Then a bunch of others. Those without a speaking part surreptitiously checked their phones. When it was done, Socotra waved us out, but wanted the chiefs of Legal and Infrastructure to stay behind. I don’t know what they talked about, but it seemed to have something to do with electricity and legal liability.

There are reports that Brood X is back and active Up North. One of them was both hilarious and terrifying. A pal was driving to work, the temperatures supporting a nice blouse and warm weather garb. She was wearing some dangly earrings, regrettably not secured with a clasp. While navigating the intricacies of DC traffic, she felt something heavy enough to be one of the earrings. It slipped down her neckline against her flesh as she realized it was not a piece of jewelry, but something about the same heft. And alive.

The reaction here was initially mirthful, until the realization of what she was dealing with overcame the laughs. It actually could have been one of those little accidents- a cicada trapped in a car- that turns into a really personal injury situation. The story of the struggle between Brood X and driver went on for a few minutes, since of course this was happening on I-395 North with no place to pull off. Actually, it was one of those terrifying encounters with Mother Nature.

It is worth noting. For all the climate anxiety going around, it was 90 degrees and Brood X is interested in whatever it is they do for their few weeks of winged life. The Experts say they will be gone by Labor Day, which suggests a little more staying power than advertised, but they are now here. And with ninety degrees on the thermometer, summer does too. The experts say it is good for about ninety days, and like the cicadas, will be gone after Labor Day.

Copyright 2021 Vic Socotra

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