Morning and Delightful

So, morning. Delightful. The air over the Piedmont is calm and not intrusive. And there is an opportunity to leave the property!

That said, exiting The Farm Bubble has its challenges. Not a crisis, per se, but the seventy miles between here and the Mercedes service shop is a fairly big deal. You and I will do it later this morning. It is time. The dashboard has been yelling at me for weeks, the little illuminated “wrench” flashing at me accusingly. Time to act!

The drive north should be no big deal. We will see, since we have done it a hundred times. Now, it is this morning and this time. The plan is to drive on this Sunday, a Church Day, with limited vehicular congestion. Then, drop the car tomorrow morning, and be back here, in this chair, and home again in a day or so. We will see how reality intrudes. More on that matter tomorrow.

– Vic

Copyright 2021 Vic Socotra

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