Weather Report: Sunny, Followed by Twisty Sky Things!
We ran one of Marlow’s observations from his aerie in the Coastal Empire this morning. He summed it up nicely, which is to say he described things happening in our great nation with a sense of uncertainty and doubt. Neither are particularly unusual in the free-for-all that attends our joyful American life, and why this version is unsettling.
In accordance with UCMJ Article 88, we in the Writer’s Section at Socotra House have only the highest respect for any occupant of an office for which disparagement could result in legal action against us. We believe, based on an opinion from the Legal Department, that we are clear from that risk, though naturally there are others.
Our President, bless him, apparently shares some of our collective befuddlement. It is only natural that he wishes to justly put a disastrous and humiliating withdrawal from a nation overseas aside and concentrate on an issue even more important than what pronouns should be used to address our fellow citizens, or people who could be citizens with the right legislation.
That is only one of a gazillion new things to watch out for. We use that term for the first time, since the old word for “a whole lot of stuff” used to be “trillion,” or a million million things. Now that is just a term used by Senators from West Virginia.
But in terms of Septembers to remember, the Congress may be coming back from break next week with a gazillion great new ideas to help us recover from what was a largely self-induced crisis. We think there could be more, but we are in complete agreement with the Administration that some of the old words should not be used. We are beyond “tornadoes.” That is a term whose time has passed, and has been replaced by something else we can’t quite remember at the moment. But we will go on, because that is what we must do.
The Writer’s Section met, and decided to adopt new terminology in keeping with the times. We are resolute and in tune with the times. We appear to be engulfed in some sort of twisty things from the sky.
Copyright 2021 Vic Socotra