Life & Island Time: Average Joes

Editor’s Note: This was an interesting day and it is almost done! This morning we published a “Winds of Change” article including some background on some of the current events, Columbus Day’s replacement, and a 1,400 year conflict summed up with an Ode from Arrias on “Admiral of the Ocean Sea.” It is at the Winds section on the website, the safe place for frank stories about the madness of our once great America. Now, Marlow is here to talk about work and the Joes who do it. The Average ones.

– Vic

Author’s Note: Here’s something for all of us average Joes I’ve had the privilege to work, sup, yak, drink, and hang with during my journey over life’s long roads.


Too old and way done with waiting online for operators who never come on
Mid 70s are like a 4th quarter two-minute warning, down 17, not gonna win
But life turned mostly the way we want it to be
(Why care at this late date what we schoolboys wanted?)

Didn’t want a grand pad in New York City’s Upper East Side
Nor a bathroom we could race NASCARs side by side
Didn’t give a damn about an indoor Olympic size pools
(Uh, and we really don’t care what DC wants, those fools)

Had a credit card with a limit of a month’s pay on it
Once we got a small tub with jets with a potty next to it
Joined air miles clubs, got a million points on jets
Couldn’t use em since we got em on guvment tickets

Traded a life of fortune and fame
Kept our hair short, kept our real names
‘Cause we din’t wanna be big rockstars
Nor live in hilltop house, driving dozens of fast cars

Just hung with friends in out of the way dive bars
No VIPs, no karaoke, no schmoozing with slumming movie stars
No gold diggers ever winded up there
Not even bleached blond bimbos, but
Now and then saw dudes wearing tassels
No need for bodyguards, those guys took care of the assholes

Got no need for gyms, exercise, or abs
No one we know follows the latest fashion fads
Got front door keys to homes with multi-car-garage spaces
Married to women who love to go new and out of the way places
(So, let’s go out and do it)

Cook and eat what we want, no damn tofu
Seeing our docs when required ain‘t no hullabaloo
Lucky our prescriptions’re cheaper than rotgut booze
Leaves more than enough to buy our women any jewelry we choose

Not gonna trade this life of just enough luck and no shame
Letting our greying hair grow a bit, now and then giving out fake names
‘Cause we just wanna be left all alone in our town’s dive bars
And live in our paid-for houses, Sunday-drive our hotrod cars

Just hanging with Empire friends at the Lone Wolf Lounge front and rear bars
No VIPs, no karaoke, or schmoozing with slumming movie stars
No gold diggers ever wind up there
Not even bleached blond bimbos
Now and then, still see dudes wearing tassels
No need for bodyguards, those guys take care of assholes

Yeah, LWL’s got shuffleboard table equipped back rooms
But no door admittance list of today’s who’s who’s
They’ll mix you anything with a cheery smile
No drug dealer speaker phone calls allowed on speed dial
Hey, hey, death to those types of wannabe rockstars

No jukebox blaring songs that offend the censors
No popping illegal pills from Pez dispensers
No drunk-ass singing washed-up singers’ songs
And lip syncing gets you tossed, so don’t rub us wrong

We old Joes are way done with waiting online for operators who never come on
Mid 70s are like a 4th quarter two-minute warning, down 17, not gonna win
But life turned mostly the way we want it to be
(Why care at this late date what we schoolboys wanted)

Well, none of us average Joes wanna be big movie stars
Or live in hilltop houses, driving dozens of cars
Real places like this don’t come easy, and drugs make us all sheep
Trying to stay real skinny like the rich and famous requires us not to eat
(Not gonna happen)

Copyright © 2021 From My Aisle Seat