As Predicted, It’s New!

Refuge Farm has modified the moment for the traditional change of the string of numbers that incrementally define our lives. This one was the sort of mutable string whose novelty is passing- “01/01” added together yields a sum of “2.” You can see there is a sort of theme thing going on. That and keeping the Fire Pit dry enough to ignite with some vigor. There was reasoned discussion of using Splash’s bedroll, though he was still occupying it.

We will go with it. Yesterday, the Meal for the Eve was not in darkness, but late afternoon with the Russians. A thinly sliced ham, fresh mashed taters, greens and sauteed mushrooms were the features, with the traditional beet-and-sour cream dish preferred in Natasha’s Homeland. A fun afternoon with traditional champagne toasting. Then we declared the New Year to have arrived right around the usual time, just past sundown.

This morning, the Writer’s Section was damp from the trudge from sleeping quarters to the source of warm caffein. Splash refused to associate the moisture falling from the thick gray sky with his callsign, which is in keeping with his usual approach to new things. “Snow tomorrow,” he muttered.

The rest of the crowd decided to take the weekend off the clock, and deal with the new annum on the third iteration of January, when the novelty will have faded a bit. Plus, it will be a day with a number other than “2” in it.

Copyright 2022 Vic Socotra