Arrias: Oaths

Author’s Note: My Muse has some thoughts…

– Arrias


’Tis a plague upon all our houses,
Comes dissent, then murder most foul,
Words stand on their heads,
In their graves the Founders growl.

Oaths are given then broken,
But just who is doing the breaking?
Are they patriots or hypocrites?
Freedom is attacked, Lady Liberty is aching.

The law is supposed to be blind,
Applied equally without any squint,
Yet something seems amiss,
Was this the Founder’s intent?

Is this what the Founders constructed,
Or have others twisted their declarations?
Wise words for all the ages
Tortured into the foulest vituperations.

They seek power which always corrupts,
To gain it they do what law proscribes,
Apply the law with malice,
And then split us into tribes.

Accuse without any basis,
Nay, accuse when to the oaths one hews,
When oaths – and rights – are honored,
And to one’s word is true.

’Tis an evil manifestation,
That has gripped the minds of some,
We must remember In God We Trust;
And that someday the truth will come.

We hold to our solemn oaths,
No matter what these others may say,
Truth is on the side of Liberty,
The Truth will have its day.

Copyright 2022 Arrias