Bright and Un-Ironic
This would normally be a great day to puff up and start re-hashing some of the news of just the last couple days. Or hours, if one was particular about the topic. Since we have already been warned that expressing opinions about this in the retired/annuitant community could subject us to criminal charges, we naturally won’t do that. We are fully supportive of what we have been told to do. The young Attorney attached to the group to ensure compliance was alert, in case someone wanted to bring up some of it. We are comfortable with the new restrictions on what we knew as “freedom of speech” or “assembly.”
We were part of this machine, after all, and recognize sometimes it is necessary to take extraordinary steps to maintain a semblance of order in times that approach Chaos. So, we polled the group, including the Attorney (to ensure that all equities were represented in the results). So, most of the morning discussion topics ended a bit abruptly. Splash was a little agitated, while Melissa and Loma took a more moderate course. They are more reasonable in their approach, having survived both active service in support of the Constitution and the commercial hurly-burly that supports emerging government needs.
“We have helpfully been reminded that freedom of speech has been curtailed, so let’s not even go there.”
“But wouldn’t that be in the Constitution?”
“It would be, but for some reason they have added some other rules and regulations about it, all issued by qualified personnel and validated by sundry court decisions.”
“So there we are. We can talk about the weather, right?”
“So long as we don’t venture into Climate, which has some opinions by our respected former seniors that we are supposed to accept.”
“But can we say that despite the fact that it was 5 freaking degrees here on The Farm this morning, the sun rose completely on schedule, and the skies were a rich, vibrant and totally clear blue decorated by pleasant clouds by the barn?”
“So long as remarks are balanced in approach, respect all appropriate office holders, and does not express anything but unwavering support for current planetary alignments.”
“So, despite all that other stuff flying around in the media, we are happy, in line with today’s larger agenda, and ready to support what we are told to support. Just like things are supposed to be.”
“And not notice the exceptions,” said Rocket with a soft drawl that suggested a willingness to push the throttle on his personal jet forward into Zone 5 if necessary. There was some quiet and supportive discussion about where in the Founding Documents it was possible to find guidance on jet controls, but we agreed at the end that it was a matter best left to those in charge. Plus, the Belmont Farms people are still open on weekdays, so some things are still working according to some kind of schedule. Which included a breakfast of luscious oatmeal fortified by nuts and nutritious dried fruits, which are still available.
So, there we are. A lovely day. The chill air will pass, as will all these minor inconveniences. Someone even began to hum a tune we all knew that even raised the Attorney’s spirits. It was recorded by a band called “R.E.M.” a while back, which means this is nothing new. Unless it is. We are waiting on a memorandum to hear what we are supposed to think.
Copyright 2022 Vic Socotra