The Passing of the Queen

There are no words that can encompass the spectrum of emotion that attends the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Certainly none are sufficient from our modest farm in rural Virginia. We will not try. We must note that although she reigned in another nation and managed, with dignity, the transformation of the greatest Empire that has spanned this globe to a durable and respected Commonwealth.

She was not the ruler of the realm in which we live. That was another matter, Long settled by others. But with great respect, we acknowledge her durable and honorable service to her peoples in England and around the world. She led a remarkable life across a tumultuous time, and though she did not rule us, we think it fit to acknowledge her as the only Queen we have known the length of our lives, and whose gentle dignity helped bring order to it all. The is a formal distance between us, o course. But it seems only appropriate for us to utter the appropriate salutation: “God Save the Queen!”

Our Queen.

– Vic