Arrias and His Muse:  Autumn

15 September 2022

Author’s Note: Watching the Hummingbirds – they must be leaving soon, then my Muse showed up…

– Arrias

Cool and crisp, crystalline clear, fall arrives,
Ignoring calendars, hummingbirds’ last
Probes for nectar ere their journey vast,
But summer lingers, And still the roses thrive.
Several trees start to drop their cloaks,
Reds and yellows, dark brown. Some refuse,
Ignore chill dawn, warm afternoons confuse,
And still strong, vibrant green the sturdy oaks.
Soybean and corn soon will be harvested,
Before the waning of the harvest Moon,
And then will follow the first frost, soon, soon,
And the fields will sleep, all winter in bed.
So soon reds and golds, in glorious pomp,
Riotous colors. Autumn comes to the Swamp.

Copyright 2022 Arrias