Life & Island Times: Keep ‘Em in Our Hearts
The Socotra House Legal Department sent around what they called a “views expressed” disclaimer and insisted we publish the same. An opinion disclaimer being defined by a billing hour’s generation of a formal written statement attributing specific information to a certain individual’s personal opinion. Like other disclaimers, an opinion disclaimer is designed to limit (or totally eliminate) legal liability. Independent contractor jobs with their own opinions not in direct supervision depend on it.
– Vic
Keep ‘Em in Our Hearts
Post New Year’s eve this week, a long-time reader – a Marine Corps F-4 aviator and movie star (he flew all the F-4 scenes in the movie The Great Santini) — had just perused one of my 2022 year ending posts, when he winced at reading a fellow cross country motorcycle rider revealing himself as a long-term member in the ranks of diagnosed COPDers. He had quit smoking when he was 24 back in the mid-1960s on the day he left for Vietnam. He, like me, had suffered from adult asthma.
Various other disorders impacted his mobility along his way. It came as no surprise that we both share a certain feelings of lethargy — a lethargy that is not just physical, but one of emotion and spirit as well.
We both no longer tolerate as much, if any, current news source because there seems to be little to no good to come out of any political events, any organizations or individuals. All of its audience focus is directed by forces unseen towards chaos and the slow dissolution of a nation we steadfastly served for more than half of our lives.
Petty tyrants du jour seemingly are winning. I am not as despondent as he is for the morphing of our Democratic Republic into a Banana Republic where revolution(s) might become the news of the day. Regardless neither of us longs to see this happen.
His sainted wife lives a life of drug suppressed pain and loss of mobility. It will not improve, and he hopes he’ll have the constitution to keep up with her needs. So far, so good.
Join me as I wish him and her as well as things will allow.
May all of their and our hopes and desires be fulfilled. Let’s keep ‘em in our hearts.
Semper Fi, Gus and his Saint Margaret.
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