Barrage of Lawfare: Bloomeroo2023! Day Three…
We attempted to stay awake for the address by a former Chief Executive. Sadly, we only made it to the Tucker Carlson fifteen-minute lead-up to the surprisingly contained and focused remarks by the former Chief Official of the United States Government. The new sleeping Gummies that Splash contributed earlier may have contributed to our lack of attention to the culmination of Indictment Day.
It was not surprising to see the hullabaloo on Day Three of Bloomeroo. We have adopted part of that term- the Bloomeroo- to match the blossoming of the season. There is also the real blossoming of other issues associated with the 20-month Long March to the 2024 Election. It appears to be quite a hike.
True fact: We in the Writer’s Section at Socotra House operate as a collaborative group. Some of us continue old bad habits despite rational pleading. So, the animated dialogue- the stuff the Legal Section prefers stay off direct distribution- spend a few minutes of each hour on the patio, since corporate decreed the tobacco abusers could no longer smoke inside. “Building Policy,” they say. What we noticed outside through the smoke was the magic of the Azalia bushes. They were blossoming just as the big private jet flew to New York. There were some bright shades of color to mark a visible change of season, but to see the small buds march to bright white over the course of the afternoon was cool.
We naturally talked about the indictments and added context. We have colors independent of Spring. Big Pink, the new corporate HQ, is intended to comport with the new 15-minute City initiative we are supposed to manage on the electric scooters that are piled near the building’s back ramp. We are in a solid Blue area. Arlington is filled with Bureaucrats in both the government and non-governmental organizations who call DC a spiritual home. So, in addition to local blue sources we take the Square State Cowboy Daily electronic version. It provides a little balance to the fevered narrative rhetoric. The Square State is about as “Red” as a place could be, and have friends out there. It is useful as a resource to see how things are working away from the lodestone of national politics.
So, the indictment out there in fly-over America was interesting. The Square State Supreme Court disbarred an attorney named Leigh Anne Manlove. There were no pro-noun issues associated with her service as county district attorney from 2019-2023. She was not accused of bold decriminalization or homeless issues, but for not being very good at her job.
The verdict announcement was similar to the one in New York, with punishment to be imposed early next month for:
“…aggravating and mitigating circumstances… number of rule violations… severity of rule violations…pattern of conduct… pervasive dishonesty…conduct on the legal and criminal justice system… state of mind…”
The Square State concluded disbarment was the proper sanction for that litany of charges and directed implementation. We read the piece a couple times so we could place it in context with other legal circus in New York. There were smiles at the idea that the same charges could have been used for both cases. Out in the Square State, we don’t know if Ms. Manlove was a blue stalwart from Sheridan or Casper surrounded by a shallow but broad red sea of oppression. We are familiar how it works the other way. The interesting part of it is that the former public servant was also fined $32K along with having her professional means of living stripped away.
The discussion of Square State local justice bounced periodically off the parallel but distinctly different things happening in New York. We agreed long ago to try to stay away from lawyers, not that they aren’t perfectly splendid people. They are just awfully expensive and there are so many laws, you know?
We have resolved not to worry about it until the blossoms are down and some of the indictments work themselves out.
Copyright 2023 Vic Socotra