The Last Parade
There is both a lot and a little in progress this week. You can see the ambiguity in the jumble of assorted information bullets above. Congress is back in session, so none of us, including Dr. Fauci are completely safe. So we could lurch into some of the tumultuous strands, or pay attention to something historic. So, let is start with that.
First up, a tribute to the Boys of D-Day, who landed as part of Operation Overlord on this day in 1944. We mentioned yesterday that a 107-year old veteran has been transported to Normandy so he could be present at the ceremonies. We marveled at his age and determination, calculating that on that morning 80 years ago he was a relatively mature 27 year old. This morning, off that beach, Reynolds Tomter is the senior remaining of all that fought there. Bless him.
According to the Veteran’s Administration, 16.1 million Americans served in that conflict, supported by millions of men and women who kept a society running while the boys were called to fight. These few at the Normandy beach this day represent them all, and we stand to render a salute in their honor to represent all those who served.
One slightly plaintive aspect to this tale on this morning gave us pause. There is a handful of other participants who accompanied him on special charter jet and made it to what may be their last landing on French soil. If they had achieved the age of 20 years back on that day of fire and fear, they would all be centurions today.
There is a stark conclusion drawn from the simple mathematics of time. This is likely the Last Parade. Like Reynolds, there may be a few more honorific appearances for the dwindling number of those who survived and lived long lives beyond their time of struggle But this is likely the last time there will be enough of them remaining to walk- or be wheeled- in a sort of formation like the one in which so may marched.
This could be the last time the veterans gather on the place they fought to recall all those who are now but memory. Remember the Boys of Overlord. We will not see their still-living comrades gather en masse again. We honor this Last Parade this morning.
The other stuff on the slide above?
Elections are news across the world. Nearly a half billion voters participated in India’s recent contest, returning a slightly weakened PM Modi to power. In Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum became the first female Presidenta. She is the first Hebrew chief executive in an overwhelmingly Catholic nation famed for it machismo. We will see how that works out, since in the same paragraph was news of the killing of a female mayor in western Mexico for opposing the Cartels. The LawFare Carnival continues here as we march to our own election, and doubtless there will be events someday yet to occur that will merit their own parades.
But let’s remember the one this morning. The Last Parade for the Boys of Operation Overlord.
Copyright 2024 Vic Socotra