Restaurant Week

We don’t read the Post anymore. Management stopped having it thud against the gate at the little steps up from the parking lot years ago. That was around the time Jeff Bezos bought the paper, though there was no direct connection to ceasing delivery. We were just done with having to worry about the level of detail that used to be useful in getting around town.

It is the middle of this week- nothing of particular note except there was none of the military action we have been expecting that could disrupt energy distribution. We are watching since the “Weather Report” events needs to be collated in case Management wants to do the weekly placeholder.

So that led to a note about the 55th anniversary of Hurricane Camille. That wasn’t like Debby, the one that just blew over. It was a CAT 5 at landfall that knocked the Bejesus out of Florida.

So, perspective is useful, like the warmest weather stuff we are always reading about that actually was a big deal in 1934. You know, perspective.

Like 1994, when French authorities busted Carlos the Jackal in Khartoum, Sudan on this day in August, or today, when it is reported the United Autoworkers Union that we once belonged to had filed labor charges against a former President and Elon Musk, who wasn’t. The matter apparently involves a successful discussion about Space X, and worker intimidation we do not claim to understand, although there is also news from Mars.

You can understand the general disorientation, since it is part of the other events on the week. War on biology? That continues with vigor. There is a message stream toady about Planned Parenthood’s product line. Apparently, the traditional planning process was not comprehensive enough and has now been augmented by courses of treatment for underage patients with testosterone treatments.

There is a footnote about that, which includes the usual mumbo-jumbo about of course supporting freedom of choice, depending on what context and subject while also saying some things used to require a photo ID and proof of age to do illogical and inalterable things.

We mentioned the Post’s celebration about the , but we were also subscribers to the New York Times. They are now living on a different reservation, which is fine, but they appear a little perplexed and bothered by the view from where they are sitting now. They had a neat piece the other day about people they termed ‘MAGA Faithful.’

We sat up a little at that, since we are apparently considered to be in that lump of people to some degree, but mostly consider ourselves ordinary “Americans.” You know those sort of people, and naturally the Times Editorial Board doesn’t run into people who are concerned about the kitchen-table crap. We don’t actually have a kitchen-table, so it is completely in keeping with everything else at Socotra House.

War with biology? Sure. But on the same page was concern about Mars. You know, the big reservoirs of water that may be lurking under the arid airless red surface. We have only been having wheeled mechanized human vehicles there for a little while, so we expect there is even more of these streams of information about possible real estate deals we have not been told about yet. Like those bridges in Arizona.

There was more from Science. After contemplating our solar system for thousands of years, we’re suddenly confronted with how limited our vision has been

So, closer to home, we use compilation from The Cowboy State Daily for a dose of something that reads like the America with which we used to be familiar. The Post now treats it as “foreign cuisine” here in what the Post is treating as a sort of national “Restaurant Week. The Square State reporting still has stuff like:

Man Allegedly Goes On Drunk Joyride At Old Faithful
Plane Diverted From Jackson Hole Because Pilot Not Qualified
108-Year-Old Woman Gets Personal Sturgis MC Rally At Nursing Home

Want a metaphor? Starbucks announced their CEO Laxman Narasimhan is stepping down after only 17-months in office. He did not cope declining sales and investor dissatisfaction. That may reflect other changes in the way we live- and going out. Over at Chipotle we do some business with Door Dash as an intermediary. They have named Brian Niccol as new chairman, effective Sept.

Japan is doing the same thing. PM Fumio Kishida is stepping aside. We don’t much about it and are pleased the SALTS still have a presence over there and some of them may explain what is going on in a nation with an aging population and some leadership issues not dissimilar to the ones that have recently emitted from our own Oval Office.

Which swings around to the lurches in the campaign. Legal told us to stay away from it, though the messaging is powerful on both major streams being spewed. The new one, the one that just commenced, is currently content-free but joyful, while the formerly vigorous candidate is now castigated as old and inform while the other one is retired but still in the chair of power.

The usual, you know? But there is stuff stirring in the background. There is something about testosterone not much different than the Planned Parenthood thing regarding Vice Presidential nominees and some restive news about the old Squad members who have been in the news. After two recent primary losses by her colleagues, U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar clinched the nomination for a fourth term on Tuesday. We are relieved that part of the machine is still working properly. It is a comfort.

There was news from that front as well, since the London Police Commissioner was quoted as saying he was considering arresting Americans for ill-advised Internet postings. That is sort of new, so we have sent an inquiry to Legal to say if that means changing anything in the morning production meeting, Or why there was something characterized as “screaming” from the podium at a recent cancer event in this year in which was apparently a matter of some question along with the actual names of some of the people allegedly involved in how we have arrived where we are.

Wherever that is. Thank goodness it is restaurant week. We are thinking about going to lunch.

Copyright 2024 Vic Socotra