A Smokey Sunrise
(Waning moon here in DC greets a smokey dawn Out West on an anniversary of victory & expansion. Fifteen more on the Calendar until something else).
It is the Holy Day on the calendar, and Splash had the night-watch on alert for Big Surprises. He had a bottle of Old Crow to fortify himself until the waning moon drifted from beyond the East Wing and he could slumber until the coffee was turned on. There were no surprises in his morning report. Well, at least not one big enough to change the course of a pleasant Sunday.
He ran through the jumble as we woke up- the K-Mart closing stories today, and a brief synopsis of the SS Kresge corporate history, the one with the long lunch counter with chrome edges, and the Boeing Strike and Walgreens and CVS labor and retail issues. Not on a day this nice. The waning moon was spectacular and close enough for the ridges on the surface to be visible in stark relief.
So, there was some justification for a spate of optimism. The message grenades launched into the weekend slack in messaging were the court suit about the nine semi-trailers filled with bogus ballots in the last election, we are hopeful this may be a little more secure than the last Big Dance.
That sparked discussion on what a plausible margin of fraud might be, based on documented historical records. Traditional analysis was that 3% might be a reasonable working number, though the full assessment of postal, digital and ID technical procedures has yet to be officially acknowledged.
So, there is a legitimate possibility that despite the drama of the time, we may do business in the way we usually have. We will have an election. People will be watching a little closer than last time. The one referenced in the Federal Court Suit just filed about trailer trucks full of unregistered first-class mail showing up at unusual places and times.
The swirl of messages about that old news reflects an effort to influence the conduct of the coming election. With the general dissatisfaction about how things are going, we would normally have a change in government. So we’ll see what the players decide the stakes are at what level of risk.
There are some indications that the campaign may be surging in the direction of the challenger if only because he is not responsible for what is going on now. Even if the polls are still within the margin of error, it may require more tractor trailers to produce the desired result. So, maybe it will be like the usual election. A little contention but general agreement.
The result also, at least theoretically, could be as dramatic as a New Deal of some sort. There are consequences to those events, which is why we prefer to avoid them. We could probably use one now, considering the scope of change in progress.
Maybe we will have one of those Taft-Hartley or Civil Service reform moments that were necessary when things came off the tracks in those times. We are just relieved that our group is not of the age to be confronting conscription, you know?
Copyright 2024 Vic Socotra