Nada, Zip Nada

No story this morning. I (had) fourteen minutes before the inexorable clock has me out the door for the wilds of Chantilly and an important meeting that requires my physical presence. I got up in time- yet still couldn’t get it together.

I was going to weave a tale about the new alarmist report of the global temperature trends newly revealed by a team from Oregon State and Harvard Universities. It turns out that the last 6,000 years have featured temperatures that are warmer than they are now, at least a quarter of the time, at least in the two places where they drilled the core samples, and yet they managed to sound another note of alarm.

The New York Times (which ran the story) rang up faux Nobel Laureate Dr. Michael “Hockey Stick” Mann to get some quotes to close the article with the proper note of alarm. “It is really, really scary and the last hundred years shows an acceleration in the temperature that is really really unusual and will require billions more in research.”

OK, I may have paraphrased that quote, but we have heard a lot from the Good Doctor since he published the famous projection of wildly rising temperatures that will boil the oceans and turn the planet into a Venusian equivalent.

Yawn. The temperatures have not gone up in the five most respected global temperature databases in somewhere between eight and seventeen years, and no more than the margin of error in almost a quarter century, despite the earnest tinkering with existing data by the alarmists.

1934 remains the warmest modern year, with the most severe weather regardless of what they do to “adjust” the past to comport better with the theory and the computer models based on it.

There is something going on, to be sure. The Pacific ENSO phenomenon is warming places on the rim of the great ocean. Other places are cooling. Gaea’s orbit wobbles. This is much larger than we are, and it is hubris of the greatest sort to attribute everything to human activity.

Permit me to file this one in the non-issue file.

Copyright 2013 Vic Socotra

renee lasche colorado springs

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