Spring Break
I think I am going to go to the airport- I am not sure which one yet- and take a flight some place. I am done with the resurgent cold. My pals up in Michigan just made the record for snow accumulation, and to cap it all off, they lost power in much of the Metro Detroit area for a couple days.
You would think they would be prepared for it, but this winter is one for the record books. Here in DC they are telling us to bring the plants back in for another day or two- I hope the plants in the Russian Garden next door are all right.
It seems endless. Accordingly, it is time for a change of pace. More from the road, though it is likely to be more sporadic than usual.
Enjoy your Easter weekend, if I may be permitted to recognize a known religious holiday. I hope it doesn’t offend anyone- I would hate to do that.
You know how sensitive everyone is these days. Hahaha
Copyright 2014 Vic Socotra
Twitter: @jayare303
April 17, 2014