Another Car on the Train


This is a great week coming up! Swimming today, Weds and Friday to keep my energy for the thrills to come! I got an extra bag of popcorn out of the pantry in case anything breaking happens. There are a lot of possibilities. The themes for the big election now have a place to reverberate in the Senate. Mr. Biden had a relatively coherent sound bite indicating that Judge Barrett was a threat to organized labor, women’s reproductive issues, and a litany of most of the areas jurisprudence. The Judge was briefed before this started that it would be as ugly a process as anything since Justice Thomas was excoriated by Ms Anita Hill. Should be fun, but despite the slanders to come, it looks like she may be confirmed.

I dunno. The judge appears to be a nice lady who is taking care of a large family and performing well on the bench. We will see how this part of the circus plays out in the land of lies where we all spend time these days..

So far, the nominee has only faced the usual accusations of Nannie use and funding, human trafficking and religious zealotry. I expect there will be more colorful ones coming along, though what they might be, above kidnapping are going to have to be spectacular. Opponents will have to handle things in a little more detached manner than the loads of manure dumped on Justice Kavanaugh. But that show won’t start in earnest until 12 October. I ca wait.

People on the sidelines keep poking Mr. Durham to indict somebody in a manner useful to the election, and of course the the usual scandals de jours and unsourced allegations will be paraded with venom and glee.

Presidential tax records appear to be part of the October Surprise, a version of which was presented in the once venerable New York Times. The litany this morning is startling, and I am just thankful I don’t have to deal with a staff of financial accountants to get clear of April 15th every year.

And then of course is the debate tomorrow. I confess that I am surprised that it seems likely to actually happen. Dr. Jill Biden, prospective First Dr. Lady, was on a clip this morning saying the “gaffes are over.” Permit me a little skepticism on that. I like to let the numbers the candidate has used so far speak for him, since he said them: he told us there have been 120 million gun deaths in America, 200 million COVID casualties, and he has seen it all from his 180 years service in the US Senate.

I know, the view of the teleprompter probably was obscured and those minor misstatements shouldn’t count. But I am still enormously entertained that these are likely to be the level of detail in the debate. And Hunter, of course. We will see.

In the meantime, welcome to the new week. I hope it is as exciting as the last one!

Copyright 2020 Vic Socotra
www.vicsocotra. com

Written by Vic Socotra

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