April Fools

This is the day when a person has to be extra alert to detect pranks and other tomfoolery. I was expecting the announcement to come on the Iranian Nuclear Deal, but I think any revelations will have to come on a less emotionally fraught day, maybe tomorrow, and before Passover.

People are playing jokes on one another all over the world, completely aside from the negotiating table at Lucerne, so it might be safer to stay inside. On the other hand, it might be better to get out and get pranked and get it over. I announced that I would not be at Willow, as usual, due to the Finance Committee Meeting this evening, and I hate to go to those sessions with a good head of steam.

But that is all subject to amendment. I was reminded of the significance of the day when I was doing some research early in the morning. Google is famous for pranking the holiday. I clicked over there, looking for some ancient history, and was mildly disconcerted to find the internet giant was using its own Top Level Domain and inviting visitors to click on a site called com.google instead of the usual “google.com.”

The layout is recognizable but everything’s in mirror mode, from search box to corporate graphic, typing and beyond. Other operating units in the Google universe produced variations on the theme, including a game of Pac-Man that runs on Google Maps, and a hands-free keyboard integrated into a paper party horn.

Much hilarity ensured, I am sure.

In Ireland, it was traditional to entrust a victim with an “important letter” to be given to a named person- sort of like those punk’t emails that hi-jack someone’s account and send a plaintive plea for cash since they are allegedly stranded in some exotic place. In the case of the Irish letter, the person would then ask the victim to take it to someone else, and so on. The letter when finally opened contained the words “send the fool further.”

There is very little in news that doesn’t seem like some sort of a prank. Maybe it will all make sense tomorrow. Which reminds me- I should go down to the lobby and check the mail.

Copyright 2015 Vic Socotra
Twitter: @jayare303

Written by Vic Socotra

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