Author: Vic Socotra

Summer Beach Scenes

We start with an erroneous title, since that is our summer theme. We just crossed the ides of August, a time of traditional somnolescent solace that comes with the realization that the Autumn winds are being packaged up in where- Saskatchewan? For shipment down here to the Tidewater of Virginia. So, this was an organizational […]

Weather Report: A Mustard Colored Sky

One of our Salts never left Japan after his arrival there four decades ago, so his observations are profound. We were waiting to see his reaction to the departure of Prime Minister Kishida, which naturally has its own back-story. Instead, he started talking about how the Japanese people were preparing for the change of seasons. […]

Restaurant Week

We don’t read the Post anymore. Management stopped having it thud against the gate at the little steps up from the parking lot years ago. That was around the time Jeff Bezos bought the paper, though there was no direct connection to ceasing delivery. We were just done with having to worry about the level […]

Meeting in the Middle

  We know. We apologize up front, since there was a pitch from Management to the dregs of the creative section and an alert intern from Legal to see if new footnotes were required, or worse, an actual disclaimer that would have to be inserted into the opening remarks to protect both Management and independent […]

Delays Both Ways

Not a bad morning. Some puffy clouds but no rain or military action overnight. Or, better said, there was some military action in places southwest of Kursk, but no major military action where we have been expecting it for days. That remark at the Monday Production Meeting led immediately into whether something had changed in […]

Bill Reddig Hoosier AMC Show 24 August 2024

Some of our Shipmates have found themselves in retirement in the lovely hills of Carmel, California, where one of the great annual international automotive events is starting to unfold. Exotic cars of indescribable elegance and fame are displayed amid the playground of the stars as this summer season displays its glorious peak. Just a quick […]

That 421 Thing

This is a day reserved for spiritual events at some corners of the picnic table and day-drinking on others. We leave which corner you wish to join, or in what order, up to you. It is a personal decision. We take the collision of views as a means of calibrating the week to come, and […]

Broad & Narrow

Opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Here is a start to the morning chaos. It is a ‘Headline’ from the UK. We put it up front to set the stage while not immediately evoking an emotional response like our frantic current campaign. Over in Britain, […]

As the World…Turns?

It is gray out there today, the remnants of a hurricane scudding north in dissipation after landfall a few states to the south. We were relieved there were no reports of major military operations in the places we have been told to be concerned about. This morning has some historic tick-marks to compare with these […]

Notice to Aviators and Marines

The Salts come out of the old intelligence culture devoted to supporting all sorts of operations at sea. As a general rule, the target had been naval activity above, below or atop the sea. Like the target entwined in sea traffic, mission, weather weird acoustics. Sometimes it was fairly routine and sometimes it was more […]