All the stuff on the slide above is in progress. A part of the campaign chaos here included some coverage of the NATO show in town. One headline read: “Biden awards Medal of Freedom to NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg” We saw part of the event on the flatscreen, at the suitability of this event for […]
Another Chapter
There is enough tumult and confusion abroad in our land and the world we share that we decided to take a break and have surgery this morning to relax. The current events’ part? Lordy, these are historic times, and ours are reflected by ones elsewhere. NATO is in our town- your nation’s capital- to chat […]
Arrias: Thank You
Editor’s Note: NATO comes to our town as France is in turmoil over an election lurch left and wit a campaign in turmoil. That is being played out before a media that has been willfully blind. Arrias takes on that issue this morning! – Vic To the Main Stream Media: Thank You! I’ll begin by […]
Meanwhile, in the State of Play:
There was some controversy in the Production Meeting on Saturday. No one wanted to take things seriously in the wake of the July 4th holiday. There were memories of other smoking grilled outdoor meals, other fireworks displays and festive gathering we were fairly sure not generated by Artificial Intelligence. There had been a discussion with […]
Campaign News from Around the World
Goodness, what a week! Management had directed the Writer’s Section to stay above the venal corruption which appears in our nation’s politics, but allowed as how we could note that “earmarking” is back. That is a process by which a member of Congress can append projects to appropriations bills for matters beneficial to their states […]
Arrias: July 4th and Paul Revere
Paul Revere Patriot, Horseman and Industrialist I started writing this in early April but somehow was sidetracked. But as this fellow was a key player at the beginning, he is worth remembering on our nation’s birthday. Years ago we had a neighbor, Mr. Charles Bradford. He was a direct descendant of Governor Bradford, of Mayflower […]
How did we get in this mess?
Morning, Gang! I you are back at work on this dangling weekday after America’s Birthday, our sympathies. If you are “working from home” or one of those other new behaviors thrust upon us, enjoy the time around periodically looking at the tablet or phone. If you have the extended holiday like us, we do not […]
Happy Birthday, America!
This morning’s blast is not about our opinion on what the messaging is all about, since that confusion is what we are trying to figure out based on the messaging itself, not any criticism of the figures involved in what the messaging is about. Rather, it is an attempt to follow how and why the […]
Long Marchers
Editor’s Note: The work-up to the Annual Commemoration of our Day of Independence. The Framers had declared something of the sort yesterday, 248 years ago, but the formal Declaration was still in preparation for one of he great adventures not in our history, but that of the world. A documents project was underway here as […]
Which River? What Sea?
You have heard the phrase. It is, from a messaging perspective, a pretty good one. It is brief, succinct, and can mean just about anything you would like it to mean, with the last line having a word that rhymes with “sea,” since “Ocean” wouldn’t work. We are a little disorganized, since that is not […]