Author: Vic Socotra

What Happened in Iran?

(Iranian Air Force Bell 412 Helicopter. Image courtesy This messaging was just in over the last two news cycles. We don’t claim to fully understand it. Old Salt Jake leaned across the picnic table, placing his tablet aside his plate of scrambled eggs. He pointed down at the glowing screen and said: “I’ve been […]

WER Sketches 1944-1965

Morning, Gentle Readers! We have an experiment here. This is an outline of the book after the current book, which is in progress while we prepared for printing and release of the newest book- “A Little Traveling Music.” We are excited about that, but of course other stuff flew around while trying to capture some […]

Signs of the Times

Author’s Note: This commentary accompanies the initial public release of the “WER” Sketchbook, a project that attempts to capture someof the extraordinary work from The Greatest Generation who faced challenges that must have appeared (to them) as large as the ones that confront us today. So, forgive us. We are publishing “A Little Traveling Music” […]


(Jinny Thomas, Martha-Ann Alito and Loren Merchan were in the news recently. Jinny is married to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Martha-Ann to Samuel Alito on the Court and Loren is the daughter of the Judge who is trying a former President for an inappropriate book-keeping error that might have been fraudulent if it had […]

Driving and Debates

The trial of Donald Trump has finished its fifth week up in New York. Expectation from the legal pundits were that District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against the former president rested on one person alone: Michael Cohen. His testimony was a disaster, and the trial may end up sooner than expected. There could still be […]

Weather Report: Legal Maelstrom!

We were told not to think by Management until things settle down a bit and we are clear of any of the legal entanglements currently in motion. We couldn’t avoid some thoughts in the swirl of messaging about that trial up in New York. We were perplexed about the President’s remarks about “I think you […]

Stormy Weather

(Going around the LawFare clock, starting at upper left, are three “formers:” they are a President, an attorney, and Porn Star, On the line below, left to right, are a current New Jersey Senator, a President’s son and a Texas Congressman. The courtroom circuses of the past week have been diizzying. The players include Mr. […]

Something Completely Different

We got caught up in that fight between the Writer’s Section, Legal and Marketing yesterday. They are in a tussel about a potential second edition of one of the old titles called “Stones of the District.” There are two of the interns from Marketing and Legal now iin the process of shredding one of the […]

Escalation Messaging

It is a week jammed with anniversaries, some of them a little disquieting. Today, for example, is VE Day- “Victory in Europe, 1945” as we also observe something unfolding in Europe again some eight decades later. We will talk about that tomorrow, in the context of Russia’s observation of the Soviet Victory Day that we […]

The (Monday Morning) Fight With Marketing

It is clear and blue out there on The Patio. Still a bit chill, and the first Production Meeting of the new week lurched into immediate conflict. This did not directly involve the Writers Section, though it was the venue for the first company dispute about production priorities. There is plenty swirling here in town, […]