Author: Vic Socotra

Three Beard Night

Three Beard Night

(It would be four, if Santa’s were not plastic. These are Timmerman, Vic and journalist Austin Tice, all with similar beards within the Damascus time zone, though Vic’s was in 1980. Times change?) Busy morning, for an Advent Sunday. Rocket’s phone had bounced off the concrete corner of the HQ entrance near where that person […]

Safely Delivered

Safely Delivered

It’s Friday, Dec. 13, and Taylor Swift’s birthday. There are other things to celebrate, of course, but this is also the anniversary of the 1st battle at Fredericksburg. We like this one since it is a reminder of how a really miserable day in December can be if you are in a dugout in Urkraine’s […]

Fifteen Minute County: Transitions

Fifteen Minute County: Transitions

DeMille was tapping his LaCrosse pen on the paper tablet he puts on the picnic table to signify he is going to actually take a note, rather than a few haphazard presses against a chill screen. He rose to an erect posture the way he does when he has an announcement to make at the […]

Fifteen Minute County: Project Two Oh Five

Fifteen Minute County: Project Two Oh Five

DeMille was laughing at the Production Meeting, since the Boomers pranked him this morning. The Ladies understood something was going on, so Melissa and Kristina were aware enough to step back and stay out of the frag pattern, since Kristina had a wrap-up on the shooting at the Rosslyn Metro yesterday and that was as […]

Looking Up at the Hebron Massif

Looking Up at the Hebron Massif

Vapor looked concerned at the picnic table. There was a light fog in the air as the big Cold Front comes in behind the almost-normal mid-December temperatures. Last weekend there was a pleasant feel on the patio and extended one of the Happy Hours into an evening of seasonal. Merriment completely unpredicted. Like tomorrow. That […]

Controlled Unclassified Confusion

Controlled Unclassified Confusion

They organized a bunch of activity to start the week. You know that was already a little difficult for the scheduling this week. DeMille was frankly exhausted from attempting to supervise the election coverage, the one in which some members of the Creative Staff had been warned not to disclose any unfavorable opinions about people […]

Fifteen Minute County: Syria Falls, But No Sunday Production Meetings

Fifteen Minute County: Syria Falls, But No Sunday Production Meetings

Joyous Voices Next Weekend! The morning events have DeMille in a dilemma about production, which he had intended to be covered with a Saturday piece from Kristina about some of the local stuff, an update on local real estate with the news about the Hegseth nomination going forward while Mr. Trump is acting as US […]

FMC: Working from Home

FMC: Working from Home

There was a separate meeting late yesterday, long after Happy Hour had started over by the Patio, inside mostly. There was interest on the killer of the Health Exec who apparently is still at large and there were two other issues. The Socotra workforce sort of works from home, if that is what this is, […]

Fifteen Minute County: Anniversaries

Fifteen Minute County: Anniversaries

We were doing the usual December holiday ramp-up meeting, closing the first week to clear off the Turkey stuff and transition through the military commemorations and get back to the transition activities that are picking up steam. There was talk about the precedence of the Bronze Star medal, and if awarded with the little “V” […]

Fifteen Minute County: Parking on Leaves

Fifteen Minute County: Parking on Leaves

The morning started out more quickly than usual. Thursdays are a weekly peak with the only regular group session before lunch. Though mostly Zoom, in the space they called the conference room in the suite that has also been a condo and an apartment. So, that part of the pitch was simple enough with the […]