Author: Vic Socotra

Ice Age Recharche

(Ice mass either encroaching or retreating. We forget which year this was. Image courtesy We thought we had done this year with our recognition of the really big enormous climate crisis with the observation of Earth Day. That began a long time ago, and in 1970 we were assured that great mountains of sheer […]

The Mills of Justice

(Former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein appears in a legal proceeding yesterday that overturned his conviction for sexual assault. He will receive a new trial with fewer accusations. Photo We were attempting to wade through some of the legal issues that were paraded through the messaging yesterday. Our Legal folks say we can talk about […]

Weather Report: Slow News Week

Slow News Week? All that stuff in the three columns above is actually going on. A sample of of it is included in the note above- we would never have imagined a thousand young Americans being in a place called “Niger.” Apparently we have some sort of agreement with whoever is running that nation at […]

Capital Anniversaries

(A local building in Washington then-known as the Executive Mansion. Civic leaders had to paint over the black scars of British arson). We already talked about ANZAC Day, so we can turn to some anniversaries better remembered right here. There are some other interesting ones coming this year that will lend their names to these […]

Land of Tropes

(PM Modi of India, possibly uttering a trope. Photo No, we are not going to turn this morning’s edition of the global gallop into a chance to flack the new book. It is, in our defense, a contributing factor that channels India’s current events across other accounts of social dysphoria. Our new book is […]

Senator Nelson’s Earth Day

(Lake Meade is resurging after record low levels. Image from The Daily Torch). “Earth Day” is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first held on April 22, 1970, and now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally by an estimated one billion people in more than […]

Arrias: Cold War Redux

In case you’ve missed most of the last 2 years, there have been several excellent examples of Western Technology on display that really must leave the rest of the world both a little bit in awe and at the same time wanting to buy some. I’m speaking of the capabilities of some of our radars […]

Tit For Tat

An Israeli airstrike on Iran went down yesterday. it was launched from Israel to strike an Iranian air defense system provided by Russia. That is the assessment of Western and Iranian officials as the attack radiated all sorts of messaging between the two maneuvering regional powers. The official account of the strike claimed the Israelis […]

Passing the Aid

You may have heard that our Congress saw fit to pass an “Aid Bill” yesterday. It is a little complicated, since the total foreign aid package is a little south of $100 Billion bucks. the pckage includes three discrete Bills, the largest of which is destined for Ukraine, at right around $61 Billion. The remainder […]

Cover Art for “A Little Traveling Music”

We got the above image in the morning digital traffic. It represents the near conclusion of a series of tales that stream back most of a century. Christine, the superb lay-out and format Queen at Open Book Design to fold some old pictures as a bold and dynamic cover for the new release. Note the […]