Author: Vic Socotra

On the Brink of WW III?

As you might expect, talk about the current hotspots of conflict have led to discussion of where this ball of crisis is going. Some of us think it is like President Xi’s Belt-and-Road Initiative. With luck, we will be able to avoid an atomic exchange between the various Nuclear Powers or almost Powers in mass […]

First in Defense

(President Harry Truman Appoints SECNAV James V. Forrestall as first Secretary of Defense. Photo AP). In 1947, President Harry Truman appointed James V. Forrestal as the first Secretary of Defense. Forrestal had three or four areas of controversy with the Administration. First was the amount of money the new unified Department would spend to clean […]

The Revolt of the Admirals

We nearly had a revolt of our own out on The Patio. Not that there were any Flag or General Officers involved. It was mmore of a vigorous debate about what was happening in our Navy today. you know, the one that commissions a whole class of ships and retires them nearly as fast as […]

How We Got Where We Are

(President Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947 on board this aircraft, a VC-54C Presidential transport, the first aircraft used in the role of Air Fore ONE). We have wrestled with telling the story of how the Department of War and the Navy were disestablished and re-invented in 1947 alongside a brand new Department […]

Portcall Haifa, 1989

Present Day: We have snow lingering through the weekend. The meteorologists claim it will be 60 degrees by the end of the week. We have a third war breaking out in the Red Sea, an unexpected development that is going to shift all sort of resources all over the world. We thought you might enjoy […]

Trump on Trial

(E. Jean Carroll is cross examined on Thursday, January 18. Courtroom sketch by Jane Rosenberg/Reuters). Good morning, Gentle Readers! We rolled out a strategy for staggering through the next ten months to the General Election on 05 November 2024. To do so, we examined the agendas for the two major parties and the events scheduled […]

NIP Executive Director Terry Wilton Passes Away at Age 68

Rest in Peace to: LCDR Terry Wilton, USN-Ret.  NIP Executive Director Terry Wilton Passes Away at Age 68 It is with heavy hearts that we got the sad news from the Naval Intelligence Professionals (NIP) to announce the passing of our dear friend and shipmate, retired Lieutenant Commander Terry Wilton, 68, on 15 January 2024 […]

Elections, LawFare and the Trump Trials

Sorry for the length of this piece, but it is intended as a navigational trip down the rapids of the next ten months and to integrate the related legal proceedings that are timed for highest negative impact. New Year, new Games! We re not sure how you are doing. Here in the Writer’s Section on […]

Weather Report: Chaotic Caucus

Well, the New Year has begun in earnest, hasn’t it? We turned the corner from the holiday and woke to a brand new year filled with…another year of the election campaign! The one last yer was jus a work up to this one, a sort of exercise in sorting reality. MR. Trump looked strong in […]

Women in the Air

A fellow named John Hinderaker writes in the POWERLINE Blog, always provides an entertaining start to the day. This morning featured two interesting items in the misogyny column. We have seen a flurry of notable events in that category lately. Mr. Hinderker attempted to just the other new development: all female flight crews in the […]