Author: Vic Socotra

The First Intifadah

This morning brings us a new crop of horror from a War in progress. It is already sliding past mid-afternoon in the Eastern Mediterranean. More rockets were reported in the overnight hours there to bolster the horrific tempo of the day. As a group, we had no vivid memories of Gaza City from our only […]

Portrait of a Woman

There was some conversation on The Patio before the Production Meeting to line up what to inflict on you gentle readers over the course of this troubled week. We could do the numbers from the latest war. On this Monday, they are reporting an even “800” casualties in the fighting on the Gaza Strip. The […]

Money, Motivation and Messaging

The money part of this is in play. For the first time since 1910 we have an “interim Speaker” in the U.S. House of Representatives. Since the House is supposed to be the cash register for government, there was muttering about how the new war is going to be affected by the vacancy in our […]

The Oooh-Dah Loop

It was a respectable night’s sleep here at Big Pink. Nothing happened, which is another way of saying plenty of stuff was going on, just not here. That is a good thing, since rest is critical to the ability to respond. One of the Salts has adopted the abbreviation for that state as the name […]

The War in Defense

“The alleged grown-ups get wrapped around the axle preserving the current system and don’t figure out how to support the changes that are beneficial. If there are any.” – Arrias Arrias summed it up nicely with a phrase that fits a lot of this morning’s situation briefing. Another traveler down this path is Mr. Bill […]

To the Victors Belong…

Quite the morning, wouldn’t you agree? The Big One is that the Administration was wrong about the Big Bad Border Wall. Apparently, we are going to build it after all. We had been selling it off for scrap, the small part that had actually been purchased by some other Administration and left to sit on […]

What to Expect

The GOP managed to get us going yesterday. We enjoyed the Nancy Pelosi Speaker show while it lasted. She had an imperious twinge to her reign that had an element of imperious rule to it. We enjoy spectacle and it is hard to argue that her tenure did not have it. What was surprising is […]

Patient Zero

We had one Writer’s Section participant who was willing to talk about what happened to him, personally. That would be our Patient Zero- “PZ,” if you don’t mind. We are happy there were no other reported reactions to the vaccines, at least on The Patio, so there is the possibility that the events on PZ […]

In a Crowded Theater

This was a big morning. We lost the story! We vividly recall seeing several paragraphs of expertly crafted opinion about Representative Jamaal Bowman and his adventure with the House of Representatives fire alarm system. We wanted to highlight the the rest of the story, which was that Congressman Bowman allegedly had pulled the fire alarm […]

Patient Zero

We are not giving up on trying to account for the unaccountable events of the day. One of them was the proposal to appoint HRH Meghan Markel to the US Senate. So, things are getting a bit confusing. Senator Feinstein has had no change in circumstance, and we are uncertain what impact her absence might […]