Author: Vic Socotra

You Don’t Got Mail

(Footsteps at the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert yesterday). We do not know what they are doing up at AOL dot Com. We called them up and a woman with one of the smaller voices explained they are doing something else at their media hosting enterprise. It is shaking our production schedule to […]

Jimmy and Billy

We got a tough one from the Chinese Thread with which we attempt to keep up. Tom Wade is a regular contributor, and it was his headline from last night that set things up. His note went like this: “Shipmates, Tonight, legions of Jimmy Buffett fans, in America and around the world, will be having […]

Bashing Baltimore

(Image attached for identification from Baltimore Sun). Author’s Note: The Baltimore Sun published this image to go along with reports indicating the City of Baltimore is demonstrating a few weaknesses in smooth and efficient management. All our footnotes stipulating respectful commentary are posted on our website, and we reiterate our respect for all policy-makers in […]

Weather Report: Back to School!

Hurricane Idalia did a quick roar yesterday across Florida, curling north and east as her strength diminished back to Tropical Storm intensity. Our pals in Tidewater said it rained all night after we watched a day filled with images of male and female reporters standing in water below their knees. It was soggy reporting, but […]

Storm of the Century (Again)

(At the attachment is Hurricane Idalia, depicted from NOAA orbital sensors at left, in the Metro map track in the middle, and a view from the Tampa Bay beach down in Florida. This storm is part of a seasonal cavalcade of gray blowing energy. Last night, with the storm intensifying, we “heard the words.” Again. […]

North of Richmond and Vegas

(America On Line- “AOL”- recently stripped some of the functionality of their old operating system. Accordingly, the image of the protest on State Road-447 out in Nevada is attached only for identification purposes). The kids appear to be back in school here “north of Richmond.” Congress is threatening to return to that area as well, […]

Another Column of Red Ink

(An informative pie-chart of money we spend on health is attached) The weekly medical adventure is scheduled to occur this morning. The Foot-Doctor claims this is an interim visit with some sort of procedure next week. We see minor improvement in mobility each day, so there is improvement and room for some optimism. It has […]

Our Kind of (Car) People

We are going to run a story this morning that has nothing to do with the extraordinary political circus in progress. It has more to do with some extraordinary people and activities in one of our two favorite non-resident states. That means no dis-respect to the places we lived in, which includes Florida, Michigan, Colorado, […]

Odd and Unusual

There was a story in the “breaking news” this morning about international travel. This one did not include violence, it was more account about whether the folks in Pyongyang would honor the U.S. passport for travel to North Korea. It took The Old Salts back a couple decades to the last time we needed […]

Weather Report: August Iconology

It was quite a day yesterday, wouldn’t you agree? An Icon was created, one that will live longer than we will. After that, the image will become associated with time travel, or the virtual representation of the public circus that is our current national life. There is plenty of other material to go through as […]