Author: Vic Socotra

“Buying the Farm”

There is an old saying popular in the veteran community. It is simple, just three words to sum up a lifetime. The phrase is not completely appropriate to this morning’s events. We are selling the farm, which refers to Refuge Farm, the delightful little equine property we have owned for nearly 14 years. When we […]

New Book Lurchings

Morning, Gentle Readers! We talked a bit yesterday about some of the Literary Trilogy. The book in question was the Voyage volume of some of the fights between the old government and the new one ushered in by use of the Atomic Bomb. This morning we find ourselves trapped in an old version of the […]

In the Moonlight Square

(Pentagon after the jet flew in it). This was going to be part of an odd immersion in a time of transition. It popped up in the process of clearing out an old life’s wreckage of a marvelous and unexpected career in government service. I was looking at the resume of one of the upcoming […]

Residential Residue

(This is the Gnome in slightly better days. We are proud he was not abandoned to the elements, since he has been on duty since at least 1908. He will get his lantern back, we swear!). It was a day of rescue, pitting the contents of the Office down at The Farm against the machinations […]

Arrias: A 70 Year-Old Lesson

Author’s Note: I suspect a lot of people won’t agree with this… On January 12th, 1950 Dean Acheson, Truman’s Secretary of State, gave a speech at the National Press Club, the subject being “Crisis in China – An examination of United States Policy.” In that speech, as you may recall, Acheson made the following statement: […]

Voyage to the CROSSROADS

The latest swirl of real estate and literary works showed up this morning. There were a couple boxes containing copies of “Voyage,” the book I swore I would get published in honor of CDR Ed Gillfellin. It is partly his story of the voyage of the last Imperial Navy Battleship to sail the seas. The […]

Living is Easy

Latin Lesson: The word ‘solstice’ is derived from the Latin words “sol,” for sun, and “sistere,” meaning “to stand still.” The word ‘equinox’ comes from the collision of two Latin words: “aequus,” meaning equal, and “nox,” for night. Don’t confuse them or Jim Champagne will get irritated. Well, we made it. It happened around 10:58 […]

2024 National Defense Authorization

PRC President Xi and SecState Blinken meet on uneasy terms This is quite a week in terms of Sino-US relations. President Xi of China took the top seat in “candid discussions” with Pacific area players way out west, demonstrating a new assertion of leadership in global affairs. MSM Coverage did not reflect the dramatic demonstration […]

Day for Dad

Above is Dad, preparing to go to war with Imperial Japan. Below, a little relaxation on his 80th birthday, most of the wars done. Quite a lot of adventures in between, roaring Navy aircraft and sleek Detroit auto designs. He raised a roaring family as well, and we smile to think of them on this […]

Medical Adventures, Continued

This chapter is over. The image above is from the 8th Floor of the Virginia Hospital Center, looking east toward the Potomac. The silver building at the upper right is another part of the medical complex where the prelude occurred. This one is from almost Reston. We knew what this one was going to be […]