Author: Vic Socotra


There is a certain vibrancy in the air enhanced by a dramatic Spring transition. We missed the Bloomeroo across the river that features art and pyrotechnic welcome to the fresh green season. Add the religious holiday week and it is an upbeat time, despite the welter of narrative beats. The Bloomeroo is a new event […]

Opening Day

(This may or may not be Ukraine. They claim it is, but even if not, it is a powerful image this in keeping with recent requirements for strict emotional value). The information flow spewed at all parties in the UKR conflict is interesting. The energy expended in delivering direct-and-indirect reporting is high. The fighting is […]

A Week in Spring

This morning we were scrambling to find the pictures from that morning long ago in Jerusalem- afternoon? This memory thing is tricky, but there is digital evidence of past days. In that one, we were kneeling on the stones in Jerusalem where it is said Jesus walked. It was his last physical entry into the […]

A Day for….

Yeah, we know. The recognized holidays of recent weeks symbolize the changing of the season. They blend it into something else. April’s arrival combines green meteorologic verve with the raucous celebration of Saint Patrick’s Day. Today’s celebration of Fools adds some luster as a special one, since it appears to include all of us. There […]

Some Restrictions May Apply

(This is a “fair use” lo-res image from Fox for identification purposes only of the finest 20-seconds of TV in 2023. Apparently there is more to come). Yeah, we were startled like you were yesterday afternoon. When we first heard it from Splash, we just assumed he had started early on the Belmont Farms, but […]

First Do No Harm

So, DeMille has been cranky. He claims it is the weather’s impact on his arthritis. Despite his still erect posture and residual military bearing, he wants to find an excuse promising things will get better. There is a case for optimism, after all. This day is starting well with bright blue sky, not a cloud […]

Weather Report: Partly Cloudy, Small Craft Warnings

We have some interesting developments in the world we all call temporary home. We are not sure exactly how to characterize them. There have been some video clips of all sorts of them. Our Secretary of Homeland Security, a Cabinet Officer, was grilled pretty hard about the border for which he is- at least theoretically- […]

Canal Zone

We got lost in the Canal Zone yesterday- “Zoning” is the term these days that shares some of the original meaning. First though, the morning news. There is a bunch of it. Local stuff first. George Washington University, home of the Colonials, has announced they are abandoning that team nick-name. We understand the people who […]

Arrias: In The National Interest

The folks in Washington tell us that the US must not let Russia win in Ukraine, that this is about sustaining and defending a rules-based international order, and that if we don’t stop Russia now, Russia will only want more. And other countries would be convinced that since Russia got away with it, they could […]

Pictures From the Past

So, this represents some of the redecorating going on at the East Wing of Big Pink. You will note the variety of old black-and-white (hope that term isn’t cultural appropriation) on the shelf below the 72″ Television: Grace had a bunch of hers she wanted to display- not unusual in a family with 9 siblings- […]