Author: Vic Socotra

Manger Square

24 December 2002   Manger Square   Vicky Barker is in good voice this morning. It is Christmas Eve and there are some important gestures happening around the world. The President of the United States has given me the afternoon off. Not me alone, of course, it is the entire Federal Workforce. Because of the […]

Syclone Across America I

But here is how fast it is. The other evening. I was motoring sedately down Glebe Road- a major north-south artery here in Arlington. It is an old road, sort of like Outer Drive in Detroit, which isn’t anymore. This one ran to the Glebe House of the Church of England in Colonial times but […]

Sticks and Stones

20 December 2002   Sticks and Stones   I am in an African frame of mind this morning, a cold mist outside my window and a long drive to come just after dawn. I had the best time talking to my friend from the Agency for International Development at the bar last night. He is […]

Happy Holidays

12 December 2002   Happy Holidays   The North Koreans are opening up the reactor for the production of enriched uranium at Yong Byon, the one we were in Pyongyang to talk about. I remember being hot-boxed by the Northerners the first night, tired, pushed hard for concessions after dinner, our phone calls back to […]

Freezing Rain

Freezing Rain Bob Ryan was right. This is going to be a nasty, messy winter. It is raining a cold hard sprinkle on the pavement and the once-white frozen drifts left over from last week. It is dark, of course, and later it promises to be a reprise of yesteray’s raw gray bluster, only with […]

Internal Bleeding

09 December 2002   Internal Bleeding   It is black out there this morning. We are still sliding into the depths of the darkness, losing another couple of minutes of sun each day. Sunrise today will be at 7:15. The moon is down, just beyond New, and brightest thing in the eastern sky is Venus, […]