Author: Vic Socotra

Life & Island Times: Island Rascal Bar Stooling

Coral islanders of the Florida Keys protect select cherished mainlanders and their privacy who come our way regularly to escape the hurly burly of the mainland.  Especially those who come to our taverns and dive bars to sit a spell, tiple a bit, shoot the breeze, tell tall tales and, yes, I’ll admit it, gossip. One […]

Weather Update — Fargo

Editor’s Note: Here is a chilly reminder that while the official start of the Winter season is approaching, our terrestrial designation doesn’t mean quite the same thing in North Dakota as it does elsewhere. For those keeping score, Winter Starts: Wednesday, Dec 21 4:48 pm EST. It doesn’t End until Monday, 20 March 2023 at 5:24 pm. Here […]

That Wonderful Thirty-Year Thing

(Above are two ways to advertise original content. At left is the B&W manner in which a great film was created. At right is the version you might see on the 1980’s muddy-color version. Thirty years after that effort it is much better, almost Hallmark in quality). We talked about it with wonder yesterday morning. […]

Life & Island Times: Winter is Coming

Editor’s Note: A Square State buddy out west gave us a nice recount of the storm that hit them yesterday. There is a note of the surreal in nodding along with a report of gusts over fifty miles an hour slicing across their property and the better part of a foot of snow going sideways. Here […]

Letter To The Editor

Editor’s Note: Marlow wrote this morning from his place on the Eastern Shore, already agitated by the historic moment celebrated in today’s edition of The Daily. He offers a particular moment in family history to justify his reaction to the assertion in the headlines that the solution to the energy crisis has arrived, along with […]

Historic Moments!

Wait! Don’t for a moment think that we are talking about the tidal wave of human beings who were moved by bus with Mexican police escorts to our southern border near Ciudad Benito Juarez. Ten of those buses a day, improbably funded by unknown sources, who are then discharged to walk to the US border, […]

The Fabulous Fifties

(This is one of the rail cars WER Designed. That is clearly his image behind the wheel, and we have a pretty good idea who the kid might be!) We could launch on a Twitter-rama tale this morning, but the idea that in America, land of the free, we now have a government that….oh hell. […]

Notes From the Bat Cave

Editor’s Note: The controversies in the morning stream of news are mildly interesting on this day, nearly four decades after living in, around or under the direction of the Emerald City on the other side of the Potomac River. There was a mild argument in the Writer’s Section about exactly when things started to come […]

Return to Big Pink

Author’s Note: It is sort of weird moving back into a place you have lived before. Old and new stuff gets all jumbled up. It can be fun. In the case of Big Pink, it now amounts tour having lived in five units there over twenty years. We recalled some of them due to a […]

Weather Report: Lame Duck Lament

There is some unusual stuff in the Weather Report this morning. A Senator from Arizona- Kristen Sinema- announced she is leaving the Democrat Party. She is not joining the dread Republicans, though. She is describing herself now as an “Independent,” and will continue to caucus with whoever she pleases. That means that despite the run-off […]