Author: Vic Socotra

Weather Report: January in November

Man, it was cold this morning! Pale blue skyThe Lady in Red on the flatscreen claimed the current cold wave would make things seem to be the depth of Winter for a few days before it passes. The duty Scribe at the circle- well, it actually isn’t a circle and no one wanted to drag […]

Life & Island Times: Diving Duck

Author’s Note: We were out on Bull Street doing Taco Tuesday supper, sipping some hard cider margaritas, when I spied a tight formation flight of southern bound migrating birds’ honking approach their nightfall roosting marsh water accommodations. At the same time in the background, I heard the terms old duck and diving duck. As I […]


It’s got a military connotation with that “movement report” jargon. It was a more active day than normal yesterday, requiring detailed planning and extensive preparation. We uprooted from Farm to Town for management issues. Not quite lock-stock-and-whatever, but close enough. The Chairman indicates he will hold onto it for a while, just in case. We […]

A Splendid Source

Author’s Note: Morning! The Farm is in a state this morning, all hands on deck, so this came up in discussions around the Fire Ring. The immediate subject is the election aftermath, of course, and what is likely to come of it. We think the House will go GOP by a narrow margin, and the […]

Helter Skelter

So, here we go on a busy week. It has been a helter of skelters lately down here at The Farm. Moving tomorrow. Bewildering in fact, looking at the assorted estate debris that has surfaced over the last few weeks. We have inflicted some of it on you already, and we apologize. We don’t even […]


(The Rufadora Bar in daylight. It didn’t look this bright when we usually saw it). Author’s Note: A Philippines phrase for the ages? “How much would that window cost if it was broken?” Or one of the most famous barroom public address pages in Naval Aviation history….”Would the Command Duty Officer of the USS Oriskany […]

Letter to the Editor: Regarding “CUBI Dogs:”

Editor’s Note: We suspected there might be a reaction from others who have strode in bold and liberated step down Magsaysay Boulevard in Olongapo City, Republic of the Philippines. Some may quibble about the before and after visions of that marvelous city before the paving of the street and after that event. There was a […]

The Rift on the Right

There is some stuff going on. The small groups of people who still communicate around the media streams are concerned. Mr. Trump made an effort in the Mid-Term Melt Down, but some of the red press is now advocating we “move on.” I am interested in it for the various reasons. The Blues have a […]

12 November 2003 Bought the Ticket- Let’s Ride! A picture containing textDescription automatically generated (Motto of the US State of Georgia. We all may be needing it shortly). Sorting it out is a challenge, isn’t it? There are challenges all around. Here at home, we still don’t know the composition of the Future. The American […]

An Armistice This Day

We know the new name for the day, but there are the remnants of a hurricane darkening the Piedmont sky above and the rain from the south is a uniform steady soak. There has been talk about early November weather of late amid trouble around the world. The anniversary of the wreck of ore-carrier Edmund […]