Author: vicSocotra

Distribution Channel Set Up

Socotra House provides the Author with distribution through the Socotra House Publishing distribution channels including Amazon, Apple, Google and the Socotra House online store, in addition to channel alliances through our Print-On-Demand provider. Socotra House consults with our Authors about their distribution needs and desires based on marketing goals and may recommend and/or facilitate establishment […]

ISBN Assignment / Bar Code

Socotra House assigns the appropriate ISBN(s) for the publication format(s) of the titles developed and published (including a separate ISBN for digital editions according to industry best practices). For printed books, Socotra House procures bar code(s) to be integrated into the cover design.

Digital Publishing (E-Book Creation or Conversion)

Socotra House can create and/or convert all designated titles into an electronic format (e-book) in accordance with the Socotra House Digital Publishing Style Guide for high-quality reader experience. The e-books are designed for multiple e-reader devices in accordance of technical requirements and prepared for electronic distribution via Apple, Amazon, Google and Barnes and Noble.

Cover Design

Socotra House provides oversight of cover design work that includes: Front cover and for physical books: spine, back cover and flaps if needed. Some cover designs may require special illustrations or photographs that may require licensing; or, the Author may request artwork or illustrations that require additional licensing. In such instances, Socotra House will consult […]


If a title requires illustration services, Socotra House can recommend an Illustrator to engage on a Work for Hire basis. The illustration services are subject to the terms and conditions of that agreement with the Illustrator and accepted by Author before work commences.

Type-setting / Interior Design

Socotra House provides interior layout and design of edited manuscript in the format(s) determined by the Author, including print and digital layouts. Our typesetters follow the best practices of interior book design with reasonable accommodations being made for author’s preferences within the guidelines of the Socotra House Style Guide. Typeset manuscripts are provided for Author’s […]

Editing Services

As needed, Socotra House can arrange editors, proofreaders and fact-checkers (and death-defying acrobats) to bring your manuscript to its A-Game. We do not publish manuscripts that are not ready for such abuse. Editing services are not part of our publishing package(s) since the service is outsourced exclusively, usually to Bangladesh. Chad, the person at our […]