Author: vicSocotra

Die Yuppie Scum

(Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko)   I found a picture of the Junk Bond King Michael Milken, and compared the images of him with the bad toupee and Douglas and still bewildered. (Milken as Milken, The Junk Bond King, in the day)     On the one side we had the go-go reality of the […]

Disco Fever

(Symbol of an Era, the Dreaded Disco Ball. Courtesy Hailey and Heather of Atlanta) Rex took off the uniform after thirty three years to join the investment banking world of Arthurs, Lestrange & Short of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a municipal finance underwriter and originator of financial instruments. He retired one month before two guys named […]

Wall and Remembrance

(Reflections on Black Granite)   Rex retired in 1976, at the rank of Vice Admiral. As you know, there is no permanent grade for officers above that of Rear Admiral; retirement in the grade of Vice Admiral requires concurrence by the Senate. That body remembered his service with satisfaction, and agreed.   It was a […]

Long Live the King

  It is one of those mornings, you know the kind.   We had planned an evening-in, talking about the events of 1974 last night, the Doctor and Mac and I, and from that would have come a lucid discussion of the painful transition from the Nixon to Ford Administrations, and how Rex and the […]

Challenges on Connecticut Ave

Anyway, I walked up to the glass entrance with a white plastic bag and two trickle-chargers I had purchased at the motorcycle show to accommodate the constantly discharged batteries on the classic muscle pick-up truck (six years to antique plates!) and the Harley that sleeps in the garage.   I guess I fit the profile […]

The Schlesinger Report

(Left to right, Henry Kissinger, Jerry Ford and James Schlesinger) The rain is gentle this early morning down here in Culpeper County. We are into a January thaw, a break from the shin-licking cold of the last five weeks.   There is some storm damage at the little farm. Bit sheets of snow compacted into […]

Season of the Witch

  Here is The Wink, in all it’s strange glory. Congressman Thomas is in the bow-tie just over Lady Bird Johnson’s right shoulder).   Shoot, if you go back and look at the 1970s with fresh eyes you see the Season of the Witch. I don’t know what Rex or the other grown-ups at the […]

Gentle Readers

Gentle Readers, It was an emotional and uplifting afternoon at Arlington. Uplifting because John is done with us now, and his ashes returned to the soil. Uplifting because the shining swords and crisply presented rifles represented the very best of the Few and the Proud. Emotional because we stood on the grounds made sacred by […]

Semper Fi

Lieutenant Baldomero Lopez, USMC, scales the seawall at Inchon’s Red Beach. Minutes later, he was killed when smothering a live grenade with his body. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. John Guenther landed with the Division reserve.Seven days before the main attack, a joint Central Intelligence Agency–military intelligence reconnaissance operation, codenamed “Trudy Jackson,” […]

Peace With Honor

Port au Prince is in ruins this morning, which is a bit of an oxymoron. But the tragedy is real, and the misery is great. Even the Presidential palace crumbled, and that structure had lasted since General Smedley Butler’s Marines had the place built nearly a century ago.   I remember the last time I […]