Author: vicSocotra

Mother of Mondays

What a day yesterday on the journey to this Mother of Mondays.   I got up early enough this morning to be productive and wasn’t. I am still leveled and the emotion has only reinforced the somber mood.   I had a great scheme to transition the Admiral’s bio; it is good to have a […]

The Light at the End

(Route Pack Exclusive Air Operations Routes Over North Vietnam) Controlling the Air War was an increasing problem. Theater Commander Admiral implemented a scheme called the “Route Pack system” to de-conflict air operations over North Vietnam. The system divided responsibility within North Vietnam into seven different geographic areas, with the Air Force and the Navy each […]

All Hands Information

(Annpolis BOQ, Saigon, 1969)   Editor’s Note: this article would have appeared somewhere before yesterday’s installment, which featured some post-fu feverish enthusiasm. All episodes will be meticulously reviewed to remove outright hallucinations.   The first two days of the Vietnam experience began, for most of the people in this part of Rex’s story, at the […]

Out With the Old

  The last full moon of the old decade still hangs in the Virginia sky as the world below is sleeping off the follies of the first morning. I have nothing social to blame on the way I feel. The sickness had come on suddenly, and the memory of the last three dozen hours are […]

Pied a Terre

Pied a terre is French, I think. Being an illiterate in multiple languages I always work in context and thought the phrase meant a “piece of earth.” Like you would have a “piece of earth” in town. That was close enough for Government work, but I was informed recently that it actually means “a foot […]

Hourly Work

My cracked tooth requires me to attend Navy sick call for (I hope) the last time. I discovered it while flossing vigorously yesterday. The filling on the last upper molar on the right side assumed independent life and I realized suddenly how vulnerable I am to the disintegration of my body. I have a few […]

Pickett’s Charge

It is drizzly in town this morning, which is the way we could sum up the spring. It is not cool, but it is definitely not hot. This is almost the Fourth of July and we have had exactly two days that got into the nineties. Tom Cruise is 42 and Dave Barry is denying […]