Category: Arrian

Arrias: DoD’s Augean Stables

Editor’s Note: Arrias steps away from Ukraine today…a brilliant sunny one tinged with memory for those who gave their all… – Vic DoD’s Augean Stables If you have been keeping up with current events you will know that there is a war going on in Europe, a big, ugly, high-end war with one of America’s […]

Arrias and His Muse: Remembered Faces

We sat and joked about the day, And then out the door we went, We all addressed our own missions, But he was part of that two percent. Another time, another friend, Off target, headed back to the ship, In the dark he flew into the sea, Into death’s cold, cold grip. Some good friends, […]

Arrias:Dr. Strangelove and the Man With No Name

The Clint Eastwood classic “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” ends with a three-way duel. Of course, there is no way to win a “three-way duel” except to cheat. Which is all part of the plot… It also mirrors where the US finds itself. The current national security discussion in the US seems to […]

Arrias and his Muse: Shipmates

Two shipmates sit and talk, Sipping sweet Iced Tea, Crab soup, Po’ Boys, Sandwiches, Tales of their lives at sea. Ships and ports, crises and wars, Far too many to name, Forty years since they first met, Much changes, everything’s the same. Several years since they last met But it feels just like yesterday, Serve […]

Arrias and His Muse: Soldiers of Azov

They stood against a rain of bombs, Russian siege guns pounded away, Tanks and fire thrown at them, Day after day after day. Their President said they could surrender, He said they’d done enough, But they would not bow to the foeman, To Russian dreams they were MacDuff. Some say they are a disreputable sort, […]

Arrias: Proxy

We want Ukraine to win. But at what cost? With the prospect of spending nearly $50 billion on this war in FY22, and in all likelihood spending far more than that on Ukraine in 2023, US taxpayers – the folks who really do pay for it – are probably going to start asking: “Is that […]

Arrias: In Our Interest

If you’ve been keeping up with the news of the war in Ukraine – the Russian invasion of Ukraine – you’ll know that in the last four or five days the Ukrainian army has made a counter-attack into territory held by the Russians for two months, and are pushing the Russians back towards the Russia-Ukraine […]

Friday Night in the Swamp & My Muse showed up…

Author’s Note: Spectacular thunder and lightning storm, started right around sunset, so I could see the trees in this sort of fog, and then it got really dark, really quick. 15 minutes into it came a tornado warning. Spectacular lighting – some of it lasting 5 or 6 seconds it seemed, lighting up the back […]

Arrias: Jaw to Jaw

A Federation starship is sneaking around the Romulan Neutral Zone, playing cat and mouse with a Romulan ship. The Federation captain is very aggressive and there is nearly an incident, but he reports that he got away without being detected. Several weeks later, in a bar in a neutral space port on a rock circling […]

Arrias: Independence Must Start Now

Independence is lovely idea. But it’s tough to achieve. And sometimes no one wants to pay for it. The nations of Europe insist that they are, in fact independent. Yet, with a large chunk of their oil and gas coming from Russia, several European countries have recently found that they didn’t want to really pay […]